BlogWebsite & Technology 12 Foundation Website Templates + Examples of Foundations Who Use Them Website & Technology 12 Foundation Website Templates + Examples of Foundations Who Use Them Author: Tatiana Morand September 25, 2020 Contents 🕑 9 min read If you run a foundation or any other type of organization focused on providing funds, grants and scholarships to other organizations, one of your key assets should be an effective website. This is where you’ll be able to tell others about your mission, as well as how they can get involved, either through supporting your work or applying for funding. If you’re looking to design a website from scratch or update your current one, a great solution is using WildApricot themes. WildApricot is an all-in-one membership management solution that includes a do-it-yourself website builder. It offers 12 themes, or templates, that you can use as a starting point to build your foundation website. These themes are extremely easy to use and customize. They are also responsive, so they’ll work and look great on any device (desktop, tablet, mobile, etc). Each WildApricot theme uses a drag and drop system so you can personalize them as much as you’d like. You can select content gadgets as building blocks to add text, pictures, tables, and links wherever you want on your page. You can use our other gadgets to display dynamic content from your WildApricot account, like recent blog posts or upcoming events. Plus, each theme is designed to be flexible, so you can play around with spacing between the content blocks and change colors and fonts without any knowledge of HTML or CSS (though if you’re comfortable with it, you can also edit the existing code to customize your site even further). Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at the 12 foundation website templates, as well as examples of real foundations who use them — or start a free 60-day trial of WildApricot and try it for yourself! 1. Casefile Casefile uses toned down colors and simple fonts to present visitors with all the information they need right from the home page. From there, they can click on links to check out other pages of the site. The simple, straightforward design makes it ideal for advocacy organizations or anyone with a lot of information to share. Who uses it well: For an example of the Casefile theme in use, check out this website from The Military Museums Foundation. They use a large photo gallery carousel to showcase their mission and work, clearly list the site pages in the navigation menu, and use easy-to-read blocks of text to describe their programs. Their homepage also has a place to feature members, promote their latest blog posts, and invite visitors to join or donate. 2. Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope uses bright colors and large blocks of photos and text to draw the visitors’ attention to the most important information on the site. It’s especially great for organizations who display a lot of photos or imagery as part of their brand. Who uses it well: A great example of the Kaleidoscope theme in use is the Beta Psi Foundation website. They use colorful blocks to share information about upcoming events, scholarships, programs and latest news. Their homepage also features an eye-catching fundraising thermometer, which keeps track of how close they are to reaching their fundraising goal. 3. Building Blocks Building Blocks is a theme similar to Kaleidoscope, but it uses a darker color palette with a black background and white text. It’s perfect for organizations who want their website to stand out or whose branding fits well with the dark color scheme. Who uses it well: Robin Marks Foundation uses the Building Blocks theme for their website. Their website is quite minimal and focuses on application forms for new members and donors, so the black and white theme works perfectly for them. 4. Tinted Tiles Tinted Tiles is a monochromatic theme, relying on various shades of a single color. It uses white or gray text, making for a cohesive and clean website where no single element stands out too much. It’s perfect for organizations who aren’t planning to use a lot of photos or imagery and want a minimal look to their website. The color scheme can easily be customized — using shades of the main color in your organization’s logo typically works well. Who uses it well: For an example of the Tinted Tiles theme, take a look at the Hidden Wealth Foundation’s website. They use a clean white background to make sure that the information on their pages stands out. Their homepage features a list of their sponsors and vendors, news, photos from past events, and a preview of their Facebook feed so that even new visitors can clearly understand what they do. 5. Showcase Showcase is designed to display large photos and picture links, as well as large headings that divide the page into sections. It’s perfect for organizations who have portfolio-style content and focus on presenting one particular service or item of interest. This theme also has a special menu. Sliding navigation and clear design make it easy for users to navigate the site and find the pages they’re looking for. Who uses it well: The LindaBen Foundation website is a great example of the Showcase theme in use. They use a cohesive color scheme that matches their logo and use their homepage to quickly get site visitors familiar with their mission, vision and team. They also have clear calls to actions for people to donate and subscribe to their newsletter — it’s easy for new visitors to get involved. 6. Terra The Terra theme offers all the same content blocks you can utilize in other themes, while overlaying the main block of your website on top of a beautiful background image. This image is completely customizable (or can even be left blank if you choose) and moves with the rest of the site as users scroll through. Who uses it well: A perfect example of the Terra theme is the Nischa Janssen Foundation website. It’s set on a peaceful background that matches the colors of the foundation’s logo. The homepage includes everything the site visitor might need to know, plus links to learn more. 7. Firma Firma is a theme very similar to Terra in that it also features a background image. However, unlike with Terra, the image stays in place and doesn’t move with the rest of the website as site visitors scroll up and down. You can upload your own background image or choose from a dozen versions of the template, all complete with beautiful images and matching color schemes. You can also choose to play around with the opacity of your content blocks so that more of the background image is visible underneath. Who uses it well: Firma is used on the website for the Arizona Antelope Foundation. They chose to have a blank background, to draw more attention to the information on the page. Their homepage is arranged in blocks and features a video and a gallery of photos. As the site visitors scroll through the page, the header stays frozen at the top, so it’s easy to navigate to any other page on the site. Read More: 15 Nonprofit Website Best Practices You Need to Know in 2020 8. Homestead Homestead is a great theme for organizations whose website contains a lot of information and important pages. It features a sidebar where organizations can place their most important links. It also makes use of what’s called “sticky” content, or content that doesn’t scroll with the rest of the page. A common choice is to make the header or the main menu of your website “sticky” so that as users scroll down through the page, they still have quick access to the menu and can easily navigate to anywhere else. The Homestead theme was designed with business or trade associations with mind, but it can be used by anyone and customized to their needs. Who uses it well: For an example of the Homestead theme in use, check out the Anika Foundation website. They use their homepage to showcase compelling photos and statements about how others can get involved with their mission, with bright, eye-catching blocks so that viewers’ attention is drawn to the most important sections. All other key information can be found by clicking the links in the header. 9. Skyline Skyline is a theme similar to Firma. It also features a background image that stays in place as the user scrolls down, but it uses cooler colors and has a bit of a more professional feel to it. It was designed to suit business or trade associations that are trying to improve real estate industry in their area, though it can be used and customized by any organization. Who uses it well: A great example of the Skyline theme being used is the Pikes Peak Range Riders Foundation website. They use a calming sky background that stays in place as the site visitors scroll through. Their homepage also features a video, upcoming events, a social media widget and a standout donate button. 10. Whiteboard Whiteboard is a simple template featuring a clean look with just a single color and plenty of white space. It’s perfect for organizations in the teaching and education space or any professional organization that shares expert information. Who uses it well: The Whiteboard theme is used by the Arlington House Foundation. They use their homepage to showcase a large carousel gallery of photos, as well as important information on the foundation’s origins, how to become a member, special announcements and a members-only login area. 11. Bookshelf Bookshelf was designed with education professionals and library associations in mind. It features toned-down, natural colours and a plain off-white background. It’s perfect for organizations who need to share a lot of information and would like a plain but visually appealing design. Who uses it well: The Wee One Foundation website is a great example of the Bookshelf theme in use. They share their story through engaging text on the homepage, so their design is minimal and easy to digest. On the right hand side, they share links to donate through AmazonSmile, upcoming events and their corporate partners. 12. Fiesta Fiesta was designed primarily for organizations in the food industry, though it still works perfectly for any other type of organization. This theme uses welcoming colors and features a large rotating display of photos. A standout feature in this theme is the secondary navigation bar at the top of the page. Organizations can easily place internal or external links here, specify the link names and destinations, choose a vertical or horizontal orientation, and select from a list of menu styles. Who uses it well: A good example of how the Fiesta theme can be used is the website from Torrey Pines Elementary School Foundation. Their website is colorful but cohesive. It features a sidebar on the left with important links, while the main homepage hosts previews of the latest updates so that families always know what’s going on. Their sponsors are displayed near the bottom in a rotating carousel. So, there you have it! If you’re ready to try out one of these templates and create and customize your own website, start the free 60-day trial of WildApricot. How to Get Your Free Trial of WildApricot To get started with your free, 60-day trial of WildApricot, simply click below: You’ll be taken to a registration page where you can enter your account details. Once you click submit, you’ll activate a free 60-day trial of the paid version of WildApricot’s software. This means that you will have all the access to all the functionality that our paid clients receive for 30 days. If at any point you need help with our system, feel free to get in touch with our friendly support team. They’ll be more than happy to help you set up your account as quickly as possible. Good luck with your foundation website! Related Website & Technology Articles Website & Technology 🕑 18 Min Read The 50 Best Nonprofit Websites To Get You Inspired Website & Technology 🕑 7 Min Read 7 Best Free Nonprofit Accounting Software Website & Technology 🕑 16 Min Read The Best Membership Website Builders in 2024 The Membership Growth Report: Benchmarks & Insights for Growing Revenue and Constituents Get the report now!